Forum Discussion
Dan Kottal Korsholm
Aug 20, 2018Copper Contributor
Secure Score drops after less than a week
Why does the Security Score keep dropping even though we check every week? Its especially the Risky Signin Report in Azure. We check it every week. We have seen that we checked it thursday and monday the points were taken from us. What day and time does it reset these scores?
- Anthony Smith (A.J.)
Hi Dan,
If you are reviewing the reports by clicking on the review button in Secure Score then you should be getting the points. If you are going directly to the report without going through Secure Score then you will not get the points as there is no direct telemetry for the reports.
We did have some issues last week with our reporting telemetry but I believe that was resolved.
If you are going though Secure Score and not getting the points, please use the feedback button on the bottom right of a Secure Score page to give us the details. Using this provides us your tenant info so we can investigate the issue.
- Dan Kottal KorsholmCopper Contributor
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for the clarification.
We were indeed using the direct links since that is much easier.
We have used the buttons in the Secure Score page yesterday and are awaiting to see if the score goes up.
Another question, the reports that require weekly checks. Does they reset 7 days after the click on the review button or how does that work?
Thanks for you help
- Anthony Smith (A.J.)
Hi Dan,
If you don't review a report that requires a weekly check seven days after you first review it, the points are removed until you review it again.