Forum Discussion

Ross Ramsay's avatar
Ross Ramsay
Copper Contributor
Jun 06, 2018

DLP secure score not updating

Hi All,


I created some DLP policies around two weeks ago, these are tested and working fine. However secure score doesn't update to say they are there. I have sent exports of the DLP policies to MS to confirm that the policies are enabled:



RunspaceId : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   (blanked out)
Mode : Enable
Type : Dlp
ExchangeLocation : {All}
SharePointLocation : {All}
SharePointLocationException : {}
OneDriveLocation : {All}
OneDriveLocationException : {}
ExchangeOnPremisesLocation : {}
SharePointOnPremisesLocation : {}
SharePointOnPremisesLocationException : {}
ExchangeSender : {}
ExchangeSenderMemberOf : {}
ExchangeSenderException : {}
ExchangeSenderMemberOfException : {}
Workload : Exchange, SharePoint, OneDriveForBusiness


I have done the usual of going through secure score to get to the policies, no joy. 


Has anyone else had this with DLP and secure score?, how long did it take for yours to update?. 


Thanks in advance,



  • Hi Ross,


    I have seen this issue in my own tenant and already escalated this to the engineering team.   We have discovered the telemetry from the DLP team has not been refreshed recently.  We are working with them to get the latest data.
