Forum Discussion

Deleted's avatar
Feb 14, 2018

Default link to Network Secutiry group page from Office365 Security Score center SSL Cert fails



I was following the link displayed in the Offic365 security score center. When accessing the link, a invalid SSL certificate warning get displayed. I think this, being a misconfiguration of an webserver which hosts a group on network security is a bit odd and maybe should be adjusted. 


The list I used


Screenshot attached from SSLlabs about cert domain mismatch


Best regards

  • Hi Hans and Vasil,


    Thanks for calling this out.  I found the same problem earlier this week and shared it with the team.  It should be on their backlog now.

    • Anthony Smith (A.J.)'s avatar
      Anthony Smith (A.J.)
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Hans and Vasil,


      Thanks for calling this out.  I found the same problem earlier this week and shared it with the team.  It should be on their backlog now.

      • Deleted's avatar

        Hi Anthony,


        thanks for the quick reply and heads-up! Good to hear its on the ToDo list!


        Best regards

