Forum Discussion
Apr 26, 2021Copper Contributor
Win32 App Powershell 64bit registry access issue
Hello to all. Coming from SCCM to Intunes i started to recreate Application packages, with installers based on MSI, Batch, EXE and PowerShell. However i found an issue with PowerShell installations,...
- Apr 26, 2021
Please take a look at
Sysnative | Intune | 64 VS 32 Bits | Registry Keys ( happens when you run a script with setting this option to yes instead of no
Apr 26, 2021
Please take a look at
Sysnative | Intune | 64 VS 32 Bits | Registry Keys (
What happens when you run a script with setting this option to yes instead of no
Apr 27, 2021Copper Contributor
Rudy_Ooms_MVP So once Rudy pointed out that the sysnative is only accessible from 32bit consoles, i have tested and voila, the script is working like a charm! I have used a separate one line script to start the install script:
Start-Process -FilePath "$ENV:WINDIR\SysNative\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe" -ArgumentList "-File `"$($PSScriptRoot)\registry.ps1`" " -Wait -NoNewWindow
Happy ending of a thread 😄
- BoxApr 15, 2023Copper ContributorYou can directly use this in Intune command line to launch powershell as x64:
%windir%\SysNative\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File .\MyScript.ps1