Forum Discussion
Setting Android Enterprise Wi-Fi policy "ConnectAutomatically" to TRUE via GRAPH
Hi John Grenfell,
There are 2 option to achieve your goal. You can use the graph explorer or PowerShell scripts.
As you already mention Microsoft has a good repo with different type of scripts that can be used.
URL to graph explorer
Graph Explorer - Microsoft Graph
First i will explain the graph explorer method.
Step 1
Login into Graph explorer.
Step 2 get the configuration profile ID
Before we can change a setting in a profile with the graph explorer we need the configuration ID of the profile. You can get the profile on 2 methods, Copy the ID from the endpoint manager url or copy the ID via graph explorer.
URL method
Open the profile in Microsoft Endpoint manager and copy id from the url. See below print screen
Graph Explorer method
Open the graph explorer enter the right url as i did in the print screen and In the below panel you can find all the configuration profiles and search through them for your Wifi profile and copy the profile id
Step 3 open Wifi profile settings with graph explorer.
Now we have the ID of the profile, we can change, delete the profile. Enter the profile ID after the url as i did in below print screen
Now you will get in the second panel all the profile settings.
Step 4 patch Wifi profile settings
Now you have to paste the following code in the first pannel
"@odata.context": "$metadata#deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations/$entity",
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.androidDeviceOwnerEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration",
"connectAutomatically": true
After you paste the code in the first panel you have to change the graph api from get to patch as i did in below print screen
Now you have to click on Run query and you will receive the 200 response code and your profile is changed.
The other option what you can use is a PowerShell script from the GitHub Repo. First you have to export all the configuration profiles what you can do with the DeviceConfiguration_Export.ps1 script which can be found on the following URL: powershell-intune-samples/DeviceConfiguration_Export.ps1 at master · microsoftgraph/powershell-intune-samples · GitHub
Run the script and save all the profiles on your local drive. Open the Wifi profile config and change the