Forum Discussion
Jul 28, 2023Copper Contributor
Linux - Devices not syncing unless Microsoft Intune app is open and user signs in
We have noticed that devices joined to Intune do not sync unless users open and sign in to the Microsoft Intune app manually. The last check-in time on all of our Linux devices showed that the de...
- Jul 31, 2023
vdesroches This is by design, as far as I know.
The Intune Portal is run as the end user, not as a system service. Devices are only synced when a user actively signs in to the Intune portal. (and then periodically, as long as the Intune Portal app is running)
Compliance checks rely on user cooperation, which is a questionable choice in my opinion.
Aug 23, 2023Copper Contributor
I guess you could make the Intune portal start periodically or at each login of the user, so that they remember to sign in if required.
- AndreasWerschlanAug 23, 2023Copper Contributor
I actually did that like so (Ansible does client setup in our case):
- name: "Add Intune Portal to XDG Autostart folder" ansible.builtin.file: src: /usr/share/applications/intune-portal.desktop dest: /etc/xdg/autostart/intune-portal.desktop state: link
But this still does not help that users need to manually sign in to the Intune portal application, or no compliance checks will be performed.