Forum Discussion

ElieAT's avatar
Iron Contributor
Nov 03, 2023

Intune Patch Management Solutions



Kindly i need to know if intune has a patch management solutions to update automatically third party softwares on devices not just the microsoft applications





  • There is not really a patch management solution within Intune. However, there is a driver update ring where you can specify that third party drivers be updated automatically. (

    Applications installed through the Microsoft Store are automatically kept up to date. (

    Other applications must be repackaged if you want to roll out a new version. (

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    • Dio92's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      I'm writing to ask about the possibility of integrating Microsoft Patch Management with third-party solutions such as Faronics Patch Management, Pulseway and Ninja RMM or even Microsoft itself has a solution on its roadmap.

      According to my research, Faronics Patch Management offers an easy-to-use tool that provides maximum control over the installation and updates of Windows and third-party applications. It integrates with Microsoft's update agent and automatically updates Windows patches based on scheduled maintenance periods. But still for agent issues and in the Intune environment it would be interesting to have a single solution...

      However, I couldn't find specific information about the integration of Microsoft Patch Management such as Pulseway and Ninja RMM. Could you provide more details on this? Any guidance or resources you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you for your time and assistance.
      • JeroenBurgerhout's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        I don't know if the answer that JosvanderVaart suits your question, but so far as I can read the question, is that you want to know if there is a solution to update 3rd party software.
        For this you can use PatchMyPC for example.
