Forum Discussion
Intune Management Extension not installing
Hi Scott,
maybe have a look at my blog post here:
Deep dive Microsoft Intune Management Extension – PowerShell Scripts
I cover inner workings and troubleshooting of the agent to find such particular issues with installing Intune Management Extension.
Two things to check for agent install issues are event viewer and the Agent MSI install log:
Start event viewer > Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider > Admin (event id 1924 and others)
MSI install log:
C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\mdm\ {25212568-E605-43D5-9AA2-7AE8DB2C3D09}.log
Oliver, thanks for the update.
If I look in the appdata\local\mdm folder it is empty
In event viewer I have a number of errors with Event ID 822 ( MDM PolicyManager:Acquiring the merge lock.... ), each ending with "cannot find the file specified", and a number of Event ID 454, Command failure status.
Not sure from your guide what this means or where to look next ?