Forum Discussion

aguenthart's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 26, 2024

Intune - Phishing-Resistant MFA

Good Afternoon,

So sorry but I'm quite novice. I am trying to merge all Intune users to phishing-resistant MFA (PR-MFA) only (excluding break-the-glass users/admins). On Entra, I do this by disabling Microsoft-Managed MFA and setting a new authentication strength with all three (PR-MFA) modalities selected as the only allowable MFA. Then, I set a conditional access policy to grant all users to access all resources only if they have PR-MFA registered, because I don't want them to use other MFA like SMS.

This makes all existing users switch over and disables weaker methods (like text messages), but I can't onboard new users. I reviewed the log for a test user who I could not register, and I saw that the issue is that during registration, the passkey must already exist BEFORE the new user can set up a passkey or other PR-MFA method, which is impossible.

Is there a way to let Intune use just the new user's password alone for initial PR-MFA registration?

  • The keyword for this is Temporary Access Pass. You create the policy under:
    Entra IDProtectionAuthentication MethodsTemporary Access Pass.

    For a new user, go to:
    Entra IDUsersAll Users, select the "new" user, and click on Authentication Methods + Add Authentication Method, then choose Temporary Access Pass. Share this pass with the user.

    Using a Temporary Access Pass

    Typically, a user registers authentication methods during their first sign-in. The Temporary Access Pass is perfect for setting up or updating multifactor, passwordless, or phishing-resistant authentication without requiring additional security prompts.

    Registering Authentication Methods

    Authentication methods can be registered at Users can also update existing authentication methods here.
    After a successful sign-in, the user can now register or update passwordless authentication methods, such as FIDO2 security keys or the Microsoft Authenticator app.

  • tschlappinger's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    The keyword for this is Temporary Access Pass. You create the policy under:
    Entra IDProtectionAuthentication MethodsTemporary Access Pass.

    For a new user, go to:
    Entra IDUsersAll Users, select the "new" user, and click on Authentication Methods + Add Authentication Method, then choose Temporary Access Pass. Share this pass with the user.

    Using a Temporary Access Pass

    Typically, a user registers authentication methods during their first sign-in. The Temporary Access Pass is perfect for setting up or updating multifactor, passwordless, or phishing-resistant authentication without requiring additional security prompts.

    Registering Authentication Methods

    Authentication methods can be registered at Users can also update existing authentication methods here.
    After a successful sign-in, the user can now register or update passwordless authentication methods, such as FIDO2 security keys or the Microsoft Authenticator app.
