Forum Discussion
Installing from script
I am installing a bit of software using a Powershell script and deploying the script as a Win32App into the company portal.
We need to supersede the script since the software is regularly updated.
Now the install part works as expected. We created an uninstall script, but unfortunately it doesn't work. The company portal returns the error "An error occurred while requesting the application"
There are a few things I have tried to get the uninstall to work, but nothing has worked.
The following command has been added before the powershell script in Intune: Powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ./UninstallScript.ps1.
Even putting the full file path of where the script is hasn't worked.
Also, I tried uninstalling it from MSIEXEC.EXE /x [GUID], but that didn't work either.
The uninstall script also works as I've run it outside of the company portal.
Is there anything else I can try
- rahuljindal-MVPBronze ContributorCan you post the script here and give more details on how you have set it up Intune?
- JonGomes2295Copper Contributor
This is our Uninstall script.
As I said the uninstall script works fine if I run it through PowerShell through the desktop. Unfortunately just doesn't work through company portal.
It has to also delete 2 files
function LogWrite { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Msg, [string]$FilePath = $Logfile ) $date = (Get-Date -uFormat "[%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y]").ToString() $result = $date + " " + $Msg.ToString() Write-Output $result | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Append } #============================================================================== # GLOBAL VARIABLES #============================================================================== # Default registry paths $UninstallKey_x64 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" $UninstallKey_x86 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" #LocalFolders $CC8_ProgramFiles = "C:\Program Files\Streets Heaver\Compucare8" #Logfile location $Logfile = "C:\Windows\Temp\UninstallSoftware-Compucare8_52.log" # CC8 registry paths $CC8_GUID = "{D69349D8-1635-4645-BF46-073582926E14}" $CC8_Version = "8.52.23116.1" # Remote Files $CC8_FileStore = ".\CC8-52_23116_1" $CC8_InstallFile = "setup.exe" $InstallArguments = "/S /v/qn" $OverrideXML = ".\Overrides\ClientOverrides.xml" $OverrideLicense = ".\Overrides\shacAuth.lic" #============================================================================== # CC8 UNINSTALLATION #============================================================================== # checks to see if the CC8 version is installed by looking for the uninstall registry key if (Test-Path $UninstallKey_x64\$CC8_GUID) { $CC8_DisplayVersion = (Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $UninstallKey_x64\$CC8_GUID -Name "DisplayVersion") LogWrite "[INFORMATIONAL] Compucare $CC8_DisplayVersion detected, beginning uninstallation" # If CC8 is detected the uninstallation process begins $CC8_Uninstall = (start-process msiexec.exe -argumentlist "/x$CC8_GUID /qn" -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode if ($CC8_Uninstall -eq 0) { LogWrite "[SUCCESS] Compucare $CC8_DisplayVersion uninstallation completed with exit code: $CC8_Uninstall" # if CC8 is successfully removed then "C:\Program Files\Streets Heaver\Compucare8" and all of its contects are removed LogWrite "[SUCCESS] Clean up phase, removing $CC8_ProgramFiles" Remove-Item $CC8_ProgramFiles -recurse -force if (!(Test-Path $CC8_ProgramFiles)) { LogWrite "[SUCCESS] Program Files cleanup phase completed successfully" } else { LogWrite "[FAILURE] Program Files cleanup phase did not complete successfully" } } else { LogWrite "[FAILURE] Compucare $CC8_DisplayVersion uninstallation completed with exit code: $CC8_Uninstall" } }