Forum Discussion

oryxway's avatar
Iron Contributor
Dec 28, 2023


I packaged an application to intunewin and now I want to execute this application using powershell script.


For example - DellUpdateCommand.intunewin


I have the powershell script in install command


Install command - powershell.exe -executionpolicy Bypass -file .\install.ps1

UnInstall command - powershell.exe -executionpolicy Bypass -file .\Uninstall.ps1


My problem is in the install.ps1 file I want to make sure that it is executing the DellUpdateCommand.intunewin file


How to?

    • oryxway's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      Nothing Just trying to run this intunewin file thats all.
      • rahuljindal-MVP's avatar
        Bronze Contributor
        Then why not just import and deploy the intune app directly? Is the intune file just containing the dell utility? If yes, then you should include both the Dell utility and the installation script as part of the same payload.
  • .intunewin file is just a compress file. In that file you need to have the powershell cmdlets and the dellupdatecommand tool.
    After downloading, the intunewin file will be unpacked and install.ps1 will be started.
    • oryxway's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      # install.ps1

      So, can I have this in the install.ps1? Will the Intunewin file extract itself? Should this file install.ps1 be packaged along with the exe file?

      # Example: Install Dell Command | Update
      Start-Process -FilePath ".\Dell-Command-Update.exe" -ArgumentList "/s" -Wait
