Forum Discussion

nhtkid's avatar
Iron Contributor
Aug 29, 2023

Fail to run powershell script

I have always been able to deploy and run powershell scripts to endpoint which is running a kiosk user-less deployment.


Recently, I tried to run a new script, which is a few simple lines of setting a few registry keys.

I am constantly failing because of the error "running script is disabled on the system".


FYI my other successful PS scripts are not registry related.


I have tried various ways of set-execution policy, it won't work when I tried to run the script locally.

From Intune, I tried a settings catologue profile to allow all scripts, won't work.


The error has always been "running scripts is disabled on the system". But my other non-registry related PS scripts all run fine.


Any idea?
Thanks all!

  • And you run those by using the Scripts pane in Intune? What are the settings for "Enforce script signature check"?
    • nhtkid's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      Thanks for the response.

      Whether I choose to use the script or remediation package from Intune, they both failed.
      The "Enforce script signature check" is set to "No".
