Forum Discussion

mohammad housaini's avatar
mohammad housaini
Copper Contributor
May 21, 2018

What is the MAPI property for the 'info' AD attribute?


What is the MAPI property for the 'info' AD attribute?

I'm configuring two group policy settings that require the MAPI property and the AD attribute of the 'Notes' field on a user account's properties.

The 'info' AD attribute corresponds to the 'Notes' field on a user's properties.


Things I've Tried

Looking for the corresponding MAPI property here:

Haven't been able to find it.


I'm trying to display the 'Notes' field (from a user account's properties) in Outlook contact cards instead of the 'Location' field.



The relevant GPO path for the policies I'm configuring is here: User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2010\Contact Card\Contact Tab


The help text for these policies state: "It is recommended that you specify a Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) property and a corresponding Active Directory attribute (AD attribute).  The MAPI property should always be specified..."


Any help would be much appreciated.
