Forum Discussion

mfmadsen's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 26, 2024

VisibleMeetingUpdateProperties does not respect changes to recurrence pattern

In the docs for VisibleMeetingUpdateProperties ( it is stated that:


In the following scenarios, meeting update messages are not auto-processed, regardless of the values specified in this parameter. In these scenarios, attendees will always see meeting update messages in their Inbox:

  • The update contains a change to the meeting date, time, or recurrence pattern.


However, this is not the actual behavior. The scenario is as follows:

  1. User A sends a daily recurring meeting to User B with a recurrence end date of March 1st.
  2. Assume User B accept the invite. User A can see this acceptance on the tracking status of the meeting in the calendar item in User A’s calendar.
  3. User A now updates the meeting such that the recurrence ends on April 1st and sends the update.
  4. The calendar of User B is now updated without requiring User B to respond. If User A looks at the tracking status of the meeting in the calendar of User A, then it will now show that no responses have been received.

I have previously raised this issue with MS support, but was told that I would just have to change "VisibleMeetingUpdateProperties" to "AllProperties" - and indeed this does "fix" the issue. However, the real fix would be that the internal business logic of Exchange was fixed such that ANY change that impacts the date, time or recurrence pattern (including pattern length) is not auto-processed as the docs states (and which is the correct, acceptable behavior of this feature which does make complete sense if the implementation was not broken).

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