Forum Discussion

Leon Kuper's avatar
Leon Kuper
Copper Contributor
Feb 04, 2020

Retention Policies DPT and RPT need help to understand

This is my first experience with Exchange online retention policies.


According to this article, "A DPT applies to untagged items, which are mailbox items that don't have a retention tag applied directly or by inheritance from the folder."

This is what I am trying to accomplish:

1. I need a default DPT 1 year move to archive

2. Decided not to use a second default DPT delete but rather to use a RPT delete 5 years for Inbox, for Sent items 4 years ... (different tags for Default Folders)


I have tested it on a test mailbox with DPT 1 day move to archive and RPT 2 day delete


All messages older than 1 day were moved to the Online Archive.


I am satisfied with the result but here is my question:


What does Microsoft mean by "untagged" items? Can I consider items in Inbox to be tagged by retention tags inherited from RPT applied to Inbox?

Or do they mean that not tagged by the same action, like "move to archive" or "delete"?


In my case I have a default "move to archive" and "delete" for default folders.


How can I check if some particular item has been tagged? I have found in Outlook "Assign Policy/View Items expiring soon". Can I do it in PowerShell?






  • Items within a folder inherit the tag applied to a folder, or the default tag if no such tag exists. Tagging individual items overrides this behavior, and items with "personal" tags will have and indicator in Outlook's info bar.


    You can get a list of items expiring soon, but you will need to use the EWS API for that, as "pure" PowerShell does not cover item-level stats/operations.

    • Leon Kuper's avatar
      Leon Kuper
      Copper Contributor


      I understand that . But let me rephrase my question.


      Can an item have two tags, one  for "move to archive" and another for "delete"?


      In my case, that I described in my post, I have items in Inbox folder that inherit RPT "2-day delete" and they are considered as tagged. But now I apply DPT "1-day move to archive" to already tagged items.

      That is what confuses me: "..Items within a folder inherit the tag applied to a folder, or the default tag if no such tag exists..."


      I realize that my test proves that an item can have 2 tags but before applying retention policies to the production mailboxes I would like to get a confirmation from experts.




      Two DPTs (one "move to archive" and second "delete") can be applied to untagged items. So basically it confirms that 2 tags can be applied to an item. And now just DPT and RPT (of different actions) need to be confirmed.


      • VasilMichev's avatar

        Yes, you can have two tags with different actions applied. That's why in clients you see them as "Archive policy" and "Retention policy". And it's also used for scenarios where you want to clean up your primary mailbox but keep the items for a while longer in the archive. 
