Forum Discussion

SimonLalumiere's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 17, 2022

Remove-UnfiedGroupLinks couldn't be found



I'm trying to unsubscribe my users from receiving email invites from every event created in Teams (as suggested in Post 2644312 ) but I'm unable to run the "Remove-UnfiedGroupLinks" command.


Looking into the required permissions, I cannot find how to assign it.


"Get-ManagementRole -Cmdlet Remove-UnfiedGroupLinks" returns no output.


"Get-ManagementRoleEntry -Identity *\Remove-UnfiedGroupLinks"
Get-ManagementRoleEntry: The operation couldn't be performed because object '*\Remove-UnfiedGroupLinks' couldn't be found on 'XXXXXXXX.XXXXXX.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM'


I'm new to ExchangeOnline and getting a bit puzzled as why I cannot find this cmdlet anywhere.


Any and all help is appreciated!

    • SimonLalumiere's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Good catch!
      If only I checked the command before copying it from the article I originally got it from... I'm a bit ashamed of myself.
      Anyway, thanks for the quick reply!
