Forum Discussion

ChristopheGF's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 20, 2023

o365 exchange problem objectid

Hello, my fist post:


i have a probleme to add a collaborator delegation for a room.


When i add this collaborator, no errors but i name i see his objectid in place of her name, and delegation don't work

I try to create another room but it do same thing...


screen capture here:


Thanks for you help !



  • LeonPavesic's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi ChristopheGF,

    the possible reasons why you might be seeing the objectID instead of the name of the collaborator could be:

    • The collaborator's account may not have been synced with the O365 Exchange directory.
    • The collaborator's account may not have the appropriate permissions to be added as a delegate.
    • There may be a problem with the O365 Exchange server.

    Here are some things you can try to troubleshoot the problem:

    1. Verify that the collaborator's account has been synced with the O365 Exchange directory. You can do this by checking for the collaborator's account in the Exchange admin center.
    2. Verify that the collaborator's account has the appropriate permissions to be added as a delegate. You can do this by checking the collaborator's permissions in the Exchange admin center.
    3. Try restarting the O365 Exchange server.
    4. Try adding the collaborator as a delegate using a different device or browser.

    you can also, in the meantime, work around the problem by adding the collaborator's objectID as the delegate instead of their name. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Exchange admin center.
    2. Navigate to Mailboxes.
    3. Select the mailbox for the room.
    4. Click Edit.
    5. Under Delegates, click Add.
    6. In the Add delegates dialog box, enter the collaborator's objectID in the Name field.
    7. Click Add.
    8. Click Save.

    Once you have added the collaborator as a delegate, they should be able to send and receive emails on behalf of the room.

    Please click Mark as Best Response & Like if my post helped you to solve your issue.
    This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item.

    If the post was useful in other ways, please consider giving it Like.

    Kindest regards,

    Leon Pavesic

    • ChristopheGF's avatar
      Copper Contributor




      I try adding the collaborator as a delegate using a different device or browser = same problem, no errors but i have objectid of collaborator


      "Try restarting the O365 Exchange server" = only cloud server so i can't restart this !?


      Perhaps delete AD / AzureAD of collaborator ? but a lot of things to do to restart for my collab (mail, calendar et +++)



    • ChristopheGF's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      hi @leonpavic,

      "The collaborator's account may not have been synced with the O365 Exchange directory"
      : How i can do a manual sync ?

      when i added collaborator with objectid, no error but i keep her objectid (no sync perhaps)

      "The collaborator's account may not have the appropriate permissions to be added as a delegate."
      : i check this tomorrow
      "There may be a problem with the O365 Exchange server."
      : i will try with my collaborators from Informatique!

