Forum Discussion
Feb 13, 2020Brass Contributor
Multiforest migration to Office 365
Hi Community, One of our customer has the below environment: Goal: All below forests needs to be synchronized to a single office 365 tenancy ( which could be a brand new tenancy ) so the...
Feb 27, 2020Brass Contributor
NunoAriasSilva - Thank you for your prompt response.
Let's say, on Phase 1,
We'd only need to migrate just the ADs from Forest B, C, D to Forest A and not the Exchange/SP severs, will it be the same approach or do we need to leverage ADMT tool?
Another question is, in order to keep only one AAD connect to sync objects from all other ADs, where do we need to place the AAD server, is that on domain joined, or DMZ zone?
Please assist.
Feb 27, 2020
Hi Newlife,
You can use ADMT to migrate from Domain A to B and Etc, but depending on the final scenario.
The AAD Connect will need to access to all AD's.
Best Regards,
Nuno Árias Silva