Forum Discussion

Harpreet_Singh's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 04, 2019

Move Offline AddressBook in Exchange 2013

Currently the database are running in DAG environment we want to move offline addressbook from one server to another, request you to please suggest for the same.

  • Harpreet_Singh  your oab is generated by an arbitration (system) mailbox. 


    Get-Mailbox -Arbitration | where {$_.PersistedCapabilities -like "*oab*"} | ft name,database


    use this information to move the oab generating mailbox to the desired server (by moving it to a database mounted on the desired server).

  • You have tagged this 2013, where the offline address book is associated with an arbitration mailbox and not a server like it was in 2010. So mailbox moves as per dag database automatically. If you want it on a different dag, then move arbitration mailbox
