Forum Discussion

lorenze larot's avatar
lorenze larot
Copper Contributor
Aug 01, 2018

Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certififcate Concern




I recently renewed our Mircrosoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate since it was about to expire.  I just noticed that I am getting a warning on the exchange server event log ID 2008 and 2004



Event ID 2004:

Unable to find the certificate with thumbprint "OLDMicrosoftExchangeServeAuthCertificateThumbprint" in the computer of the certificate is missing private key. The certificate is needed to sign the outgoing token


Event ID 2008:


When Retrieving metadata from the url "https://lyncserverfqdn/metadata/json/1; different certificates have been found




I already publish the new cert and can see the current certificate thumbprint as well as the previous certificate thumbprint  when running Get-Authconfig

Any thoughts what are the impact of this warnings and possible fix for this?





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