Forum Discussion

GettnBetter's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 03, 2022

Lingering Edge subscription objects for decommissioned servers

At some sites I manage, it was discovered during the Y2022K fixes, running the Get-malwarefilteringserver command on Edge servers shows decommissioned servers that no longer exist.  The Get-Queue command on the Edge server also shows queues NextHopDomain pointing to decommissioned servers.  There are no delivery issues, it's just strange these objects remain.  So far, they all appear to be servers that were decommissioned years ago by uninstalling Exchange. I suspect the edge server was not unsubscribed before the uninstall began and the edge server was simply removed as a bridgehead for the site.  I do not show a subscription to the missing server when I run Get-EdgeSubscrption.  Since the servers no longer exist, it is not possible to unsubscribe. I realize I can just gen up a new Edge server but this can be a complicated and time-consuming process.


Is it possible to remove lingering decommissioned server object references from Edge servers?

  • Check if you still have any Send/Receive connectors attributed to these decommissioned servers. Also check if the AD object is still present for these servers and if these objects show up when you run Get-ExchangeServer
    • GettnBetter's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Get-ExchangeServer reveals only the active exchange servers and the edge server. Each site is different with connectors but Get-ReceiveConnector shows only connectors on active exchange servers and Get-SendConnector only shows the two EdgeSync conenctors to and from the edge server and Outbound to office 365. The AD computer object for the decommissioned servers no longer exist, they were disabled, then deleted a few months after uninstalling Exchange.
