Forum Discussion

VincentBurle83's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 07, 2023

IMAP Healtset ImapDeepTestMonitor unhealthy on Exchange 2016 CU 23


Since couple of weeks, our SCOM reported IMAP.Protocol  errors on one of my 4 Exchange nodes. 
After checking, the Monitoring Probe causing problem for IMAP is "IMAP.Protocol\ImapDeepTestProbe" 

When I run the command "Invoke-MonitoringProbe -Identity:"IMAP.Protocol\ImapDeepTestProbe" -Server:MY_SERVER" I received the answer below:

"WARNING: No mailboxes were found to use in the DeepTest probe"

I Googled this error but found nothing with this specific warning but more with CTP probe. 

I followed the official Microsoft troubleshooting guide

Unfortunately it did not solve the problem. I finally decided to recreate all Monitoring Mailboxes from scratch. The recreation of these mailboxes solved temporarily the problem but it came back finally, and even worst, it is now on all my Exchange nodes.

IMAP is working well, it is just the Exchange health monitoring that does not work as expected and generate SCOM alerts.

Did someone have the same problem?

Thanks  in advance for your help!!



  • Jannep's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Did you ever find a solution to this? We see the same error on Ex2019 with the latest CU.

    The inovke monitoringprobe gives the error. Deleteing the health mailboxes and recreating them makes no difference.
