Forum Discussion

Ali Fadavinia's avatar
Ali Fadavinia
Iron Contributor
Aug 18, 2021

Get the all info for "Additional Information" attributes for all meeting rooms - PowerShell

Hi Tech Folks,   I am trying to get the info audio, video, display, tags, etc. which is located under each meeting room or basically a resource which the type is Room.  Exchange Admin Center -->...
  • Ali Fadavinia's avatar
    Aug 19, 2021

    Ali Fadavinia 

    I finally ended up figuring it out by combining get-mailbox & get-place together. It works great for such a bulk operation, saved me a lot of time!


    $rooms= get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails roommailbox


    Foreach($mailbox in $rooms)



    Get-place -identity $roomname | select * | export-csv C:\roomdetails.csv -append
