Forum Discussion
May 16, 2022Copper Contributor
Get-EXOMailboxFolderStatistics result limit 1000 items
EHLO community, I have a PowerShell scripted process to extract mailbox statistics for a group of large mailbox users 80-90GB. Many of these users demand to keep their primary mailbox full of all...
May 30, 2022Copper Contributor
Motly-2000 I was able to reproduce the issue, since I do have a mailbox with approx 2000 folders. The command
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $TargetMailbox
Is now returning only the 1000 first items, it is a big issue for our systems since a script to export and archive mails in subfolders of that email relies on this command, since the capped result change without any warning, we do not have time planned to implement a whole Graph API based solution right now, and we are currently stuck on archive request on a nearly full mailbox ...
May 30, 2022MVP
Best open a support case and report this. Nino_Bilic for visibility.