Forum Discussion
May 16, 2022Copper Contributor
Get-EXOMailboxFolderStatistics result limit 1000 items
EHLO community,
I have a PowerShell scripted process to extract mailbox statistics for a group of large mailbox users 80-90GB. Many of these users demand to keep their primary mailbox full of all their work.
When I am forced to apply archive tags, they need me to report on quantity/size of their mail folders so they can pick and choose what to tag for archiving.
Last week, I ran this same report using "Get-EXOMailboxFolderStatistics" and found it now only returns 1000 items. There appear to be no parameters to use that allow for more results. I raised this with MS Support and they could not confirm or deny weather this has been deprecated or any sort of workaround.
There appears to be no way around it and I will have to develop a new method of inventory of these massive 3000+ folder mailboxes.
Support claimed "lots of things changed recently with the rollout of Purview" and submitting the request to the community may help MS bring functionality back if there is demand.
Has anyone experienced this issue or have ideas on work arounds?
Thank you for any help,
- I'm not entirely sure what you mean here. Get-EXOMailboxStatistics is a "single object" cmdlet, it has never supported -ResultSize, neither has Get-MailboxStatistics. And since you usually run it in tandem with Get-Mailbox/Get-ExOMailbox, this is easy to get around.
But it looks to me you might probably mean Get-MailboxFolderStatistics/Get-ExOMailboxFolderStatistics instead? Same here though, no -ResultSize parameter. In any case, if the built-in cmdlets are not returning the full set of folders, you'd probably need some EWS or Graph API based solution.- Motly-2000Copper ContributorThank you for the reply, yes I'm an idiot, yes the folder stats is what I meant, big difference.
Updated the post.
Difficult scenario to test without a mailbox with over 1000 top level or nested folders.
I'm hoping I missed something obvious but all tests of both Get-MailboxFolderStatistics/Get-ExOMailboxFolderStatistics, now limit at 1000.
Thanks again.- Network23Copper Contributor
Motly-2000 VasilMichev TonyRedmond
Good news, I opened a case last week from O365 support, and it seems they just added the resultsize parameter to the Get-MailboxFolderStatistics. The following command :(Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $TargetMailbox -resultsize unlimited).Count
on our big big mailbox is now returning more than 1000 results.
Thanks for your assistance.