Forum Discussion

Navishkar Sadheo's avatar
Navishkar Sadheo
Steel Contributor
Sep 20, 2018

Get a list of mobile devices syncing with my tenant

Hi All


Hope everyone is well. Can someone perhaps assist me please?


I need to get list of all the mobiles devices that is currently syncing with my Office 365 tenant.


I found some scripts online but I am bit reluctant to use those.


Appreciate any advice...

  • You can try this script


    $credential = Get-Credential

    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $credential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
    Import-PSSession $Session

    $mdevices = Get-MobileDevice -ResultSize Unlimited
    $mdevices | Foreach-Object{
    $mdevice = $_
    $mstats = $mdevice | Get-MobileDeviceStatistics
    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    UserDisplayName = $mdevice.UserDisplayName
    DeviceFriendlyName = $mdevice.FriendlyName
    DeviceId = $mdevice.DeviceId
    DeviceImei = $mdevice.DeviceImei
    DeviceFirstSyncTime = $mdevice.FirstSyncTime
    DeviceAdminDisplayName = $mdevice.AdminDisplayName
    DeviceName = $mdevice.Name
    DeviceLastSuccessSync = $mstats.LastSuccessSync
    DevicePhoneNumber = $mstats.DevicePhoneNumber
    Status = $mstats.Status
    }|Export-csv -Path C:\result.csv -NoTypeInformation


    • liamf91's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Manidurai Mohanamariappan4 years later 😄 - the script works near perfect - sadly looks like when it loops some may generate an error:

      Get-MobileDeviceStatistics: Ex9E65A2|Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ManagementObjectAmbiguousException|The operation couldn't be performed because 'xxxx\xxxxxxxxxxxx' matches multiple entries

      • sollierg's avatar
        Copper Contributor




        I found this post that solves this "Multiple entries" issue. Here's a sample of the code :


            $credentials = Get-Credential -Credential email address removed for privacy reasons
            Write-Output "Getting the Exchange Online cmdlets"
            $session = New-PSSession -ConnectionUri `
                -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -Credential $credentials `
                -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
            Import-PSSession $session
        $csv = "C:\temp\MobileDevices.csv"
        $results = @()
        $mailboxUsers = get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited
        $mobileDevice = @()
        foreach($user in $mailboxUsers)
        $UPN = $user.UserPrincipalName
        $displayName = $user.DisplayName
        $mobileDevices = Get-MobileDevice -Mailbox $UPN
              foreach($mobileDevice in $mobileDevices)
                  Write-Output "Getting info about a device for $displayName"
                  $properties = @{
                  Name = $
                  UPN = $UPN
                  DisplayName = $displayName
                  FriendlyName = $mobileDevice.FriendlyName
                  ClientType = $mobileDevice.ClientType
                  ClientVersion = $mobileDevice.ClientVersion
                  DeviceId = $mobileDevice.DeviceId
                  DeviceMobileOperator = $mobileDevice.DeviceMobileOperator
                  DeviceModel = $mobileDevice.DeviceModel
                  DeviceOS = $mobileDevice.DeviceOS
                  DeviceTelephoneNumber = $mobileDevice.DeviceTelephoneNumber
                  DeviceType = $mobileDevice.DeviceType
                  FirstSyncTime = $mobileDevice.FirstSyncTime
                  UserDisplayName = $mobileDevice.UserDisplayName
                  $results += New-Object psobject -Property $properties
        $results | Select-Object Name,UPN,FriendlyName,DisplayName,ClientType,ClientVersion,DeviceId,DeviceMobileOperator,DeviceModel,DeviceOS,DeviceTelephoneNumber,DeviceType,FirstSyncTime,UserDisplayName | Export-Csv -notypeinformation -Path $csv
        Remove-PSSession $session


        This script loops a second time on every user founded. Hope it helps !
