Forum Discussion

farventure's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 27, 2023

Forword exchange email to two outside emails


I have one email in my exchange and I want to forward this email to two outside emails. my exchange server is the 2013 version. Please advise how to do it.

Thank you

  • LeonPavesic's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi farventure,

    to forward an exchange email to two outside (external) emails in Exchange 2013, you can use the following steps:

    1. Open the email that you want to forward.
    2. Click the Forward button.
    3. In the To field, enter the email addresses of the two outside recipients.
    4. Click Send.

    Alternatively, you can use the following steps to forward the email using a mail rule:

    1. Open the Exchange Admin Center.
    2. Go to Mail flow > Rules.
    3. Click the + button to create a new rule.
    4. Give the rule a name and select the Apply this rule if conditions.
    5. In the Do the following section, select the Forward the message to option and enter the email addresses of the two outside recipients.
    6. Click Save.

    *Once you have created the rule, all future emails that match the conditions will be automatically forwarded to the two outside recipients.

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    Kindest regards,

    Leon Pavesic

    • farventure's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi Leon,
      Thank you for your advice. Let me do it and confirm it to you.
      • farventure's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Hi Leon,

        Just to clarify, a copy of this email will receive the exchange email as well. Also, forward the email to the outside email. am i rite?

        Please advice
