Forum Discussion

Deleted's avatar
Apr 13, 2023

Files to backup on Exchange 2016 before installing a CU

New to Exchange 2016. In the past with Exchange 2010, before installing a CU I would backup certain files which I believe were in C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\Owa\"version"\themes\resources

Version of course being that last folder created by the CU.

Is the path different in Exchange 2016? I realize everyone has different files and customizations to save but I'm just trying to narrow it down to a folder path. The last person that did this did not document this information such as customized logo's for OWA etc.....Also, I read that with Exchange 2016 CU's, The install automatically creates a backup of the web.config files in all the folders. Is this true?


Any help would be appreciated.
