Forum Discussion

JeremyTBradshaw's avatar
Steel Contributor
Mar 03, 2023

EXO: All delegate-approval-requiring meeting requests are deemed "Out-of-Policy"

I have noticed something, only because some users raised it as an issue, but it seems to be widespread in Exchange Online.  With Set-CalendarProcessing we have -AllRequestInPolicy, -AllRequestOutofPo...
  • JeremyTBradshaw's avatar
    Mar 20, 2023

    FYI, MS Support has confirmed that this is a known issue in EXO and the "PG" are aware of it. It's on a list of things to be fixed, with no ETA or info regarding the priority of this compared to other things that are broken.

    I was initially told that this behavior is the design of the product, but I refuted that and supplied all the information I could about the true design of the product, which is:


    There are many settings the dictate ‘in or out of policy’. In addition, there are 3 pairs of settings that involve who is allowed to make in-policy or out-of-policy requests. These and their definitions can be found online and confirm what I’m saying (Set-CalendarProcessing😞

    • BookInPolicy: A list of named meeting requestors whose requests will be automatically approved/accepted.
    • AllBookInPolicy: A true/false setting to make all users’ requests automatically approved/accepted.
    • RequestInPolicy: A list of named meeting requestors whose requests will be eligible for delegate approval as long as their requests are in-policy.
    • AllRequestInPolicy: A true/false setting to make all users’ requests eligible for delegate approval, as long as their requests are in-policy.
    • RequestOutOfPolicy: A list of named meeting requestors whose requests will be eligible for delegate approval, even when their requests are out-of-policy.
    • AllRequestOutOfPolicy: A true/false setting to make all users’ requests eligible for delegate approval, even when their requests are out-of-policy.

    Of the 3 All***Policy true/false settings, only one is supposed to be set to True, and the other two set to False. By default AllBookInPolicy is true while AllRequestInPolicy and AllRequestOutOfPolicy are False.


    Whether a meeting request is in or out of policy is determined by things like the following:

    • Meeting is not too short, not too long (vs MinimumMeetingDuration/MaximumMeetingDuration).
    • Meeting is not too far out in the future (vs BookingWindowInDays).
    • There aren’t more attendees than the resource’s capacity.
    • The meeting is a conflict / the series has conflicting occurrences (per AllowConflicts, MaximimumConflictInstances).
    • Etc.

    A meeting is not deemed out-of-policy simply because the requestor isn’t named in the ***InPolicy settings and/or the All***InPolicy settings are not set to True.  The privilege to book or request to book are completely decoupled from the in-or-out-of-policy decision.


    In Exchange Online, while this issue is still unresolved, all forwarded meeting requests (going to the resource delegates for approval) erroneously have the text in the message body stating the request is "out-of-policy", no matter if the request is truly in or out of policy.

