Forum Discussion

Azhar_Nasim's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 07, 2023

Exchange Server DAG SMB TO SMB3 upgrade

I would like to change my Exchange 2016 DAG containing 4 members SMB1 to SMB3 .

Will it have any impact on my environment 

What steps should I follow for this upgrade

  • Hi Azhar_Nasim 

    as long as you don't have any legacy applications in your environment it doesn't affect .

    but it's recommend Monitor SMBv1 usage

    To determine which clients are trying to connect to an SMB server running SMBv1,run below command 

    Set-SmbServerConfiguration -AuditSmb1Access $true

    When SMBv1 auditing is enabled, event 3000 appears in the Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer\Audit event log, which identifies each client that tries to connect to SMBv1


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