Forum Discussion

Tien Ngo Thanh's avatar
Tien Ngo Thanh
Iron Contributor
Feb 15, 2019

Exchange online rule apply for user on-premise ?


    We have some user on-premier and has create send connector to EOP office365 as Replay email to send outside .So if Email from on-premise send to outside then rule email of exchange online has approve for user onpremise ?

Best Regards



  • Rules need to be setup on the originating exchange instance so both sides need a rule.
  • Rules need to be setup on the originating exchange instance so both sides need a rule.
    • Tien Ngo Thanh's avatar
      Tien Ngo Thanh
      Iron Contributor

      I just test as below

          - on on-premise : i create a connector send to gmail by relay office365 , is when email from on-premise when send email to gmail will as flow (local server -> edge -> office365 -> gmail)

           - and i continue create a rule with sender is email on-premise then see these email on-premise if mask sender in rule then rule will apply 

          --> So rule on office365 can apply for both local and office365 ?

