Forum Discussion

Marco Magna's avatar
Marco Magna
Copper Contributor
Oct 26, 2017

Exchange 2013 STD block external mail comunications for some users

Hi to all,
i'm facing in a problem where i'm need to limitate some user to comunicate with external users.
I had created two transport rules, one for inbound and other one for outbound mail flow.
In the inbound rule the settings are:
-if the sender is outside of the organization
-and the recipient is "user" or "group" (i have tried both)
-action: reject the message and send this error: "the user are not able to...."



In the outbound rule the settings are:
-if the sender is "user" or "group" (i have tried both)
-and the recipient is outside the organization
-action: reject the message and send this error: "you are not able to...."



This is a signle exchange server 2013 CU15 Standard edition.
I have see one discussion on technet where one user write that this outbound rule work only in enterprise edition.

I have tried in Exchange 2013 enterprise edition and this rule (outbound) work properly.
So i don't have other STD installation to test again the rule but some one can confirm this behavior?

It's very strange problem.


Thanks to all.

  • Hello Marco,


    Can you change the order of the rule conditions to the following:

    In the outbound rule the settings are:
    -the recipient is outside the organization

    -And the sender is "user" or "group" 

    -action: reject the message and send this error: "you are not able to...."

    - Stop Processing More rules



    Also, check the following:

    Get-RemoteDomain | select IsInternal | fl 


    Give it a try and let us know.





    • Marco Magna's avatar
      Marco Magna
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Michael, sorry but i'm waiting to test your suggestion in the customer enviroment. Thanks.

      • Marco Magna's avatar
        Marco Magna
        Copper Contributor

        Hi Michael,

        unfortunately, it's doesn't work.

        The result of the command is:


        IsInternal: false 


        Other suggestion?


        Thanks in advance.




