Forum Discussion

rakoellner's avatar
Learn Expert
Jan 23, 2017

Exchange 2013 OnPremise: Issues with PowerUsers

Hi team,


today I sent you an interessting observation in a OnPremise Exchange 2013 (Cache Mode/CU14) with a Windows Terminal tenant and Outlook 2013.


I am a PowerUser and some of my collegeues, too. We have 20-25 different calendars, which we shared between us for different Projects and internal stuff. We don´t use public folders, only calendars, which is hosted by the project owner (personal Exchange Acc). 


Since the last weeks we can track, that we have issues to access these calendars or to see elements. There is no period or any things we can´t say, like this: if someone use the calandar the other ones can´t see elements.


Does someone has an idea?


Best regards from Germany


  • Fabian Niesen's avatar
    Fabian Niesen
    Copper Contributor

    Did you try to disable Caching mode for Shared Folder? By difault it is enabled and crates performance issues if you have many folders or items within.


    Greedings from Bonn :)

    • rakoellner's avatar
      Learn Expert

      We don´t use any public folder :)


      Moreover I see sometimes the issue, that via an RDP Connection we don`t have any problems. So it can be a problem of the "Cache Mode". I will try it.


      I see, best regards from Cologne :) Please join your Office 365 Meetup (

      • Fabian Niesen's avatar
        Fabian Niesen
        Copper Contributor

        Hi Raphael,

        you can choose with the Cache mode: Your Mailbox, Shared Folder and Public folder.

        Trust me, many other Mailboxes / Shared Folder / Public Folder or Mailboxes / Shared Folder / Public Folder with a large amount of items and performance issues with Outlook are mostly cache mode issues.


