Forum Discussion
Nov 24, 2022Copper Contributor
Cross tenant move is not supported when the source user is in Litigation Hold, In-Place Hold or Rest
After a couple of successful migrations using cross-tenant capabilities, recently have stumbled upon an error:
Error: ErrorCrossTenantSourceUserIsInLitigationHoldInPlaceHoldOrRestrictiveHoldPermanentException: Cross tenant move is not supported when the source user is in Litigation Hold, In-Place Hold or Restrictive Hold.
Weird part is that this error cropped up after a number of successful syncs
- Hasan RezaCopper Contributor
Dear mickeymitic
Check for mailbox current status
Get-Mailbox -Identity "identity" | Format-List DisplayName,Name,IsInactiveMailbox,LitigationHoldEnabled,LitigationHoldDuration,InPlaceHolds,RetentionHoldEnabled,RetentionPolicy
There are three Possibilities at source mailbox,
1-mailbox has legal hold
set-mailbox -identity <identity> -litigationholdenabled $false
2-mailbox is part of Inplace hold
Connect to exchange online powershell
get-organizationconfig | FL Inplaceholds
3-mailbox is part of retention hold via MRM policy
get-mailbox -Identity <identity> | select *policy*
set-mailbox -identity <identity> -RetentionPolicy $null
The only place you will have to put effort would be find the guid of the inplace hold and then disable it,
Also please ensure that your mailbox properties are like below,
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-mailbox -Identity rahil | select *hold*
LitigationHoldEnabled : False
RetentionHoldEnabled : False
EndDateForRetentionHold :
StartDateForRetentionHold :
LitigationHoldDate :
LitigationHoldOwner :
ComplianceTagHoldApplied : False
DelayHoldApplied : False
DelayReleaseHoldApplied : False
LitigationHoldDuration : Unlimited
SCLDeleteThreshold :
SCLRejectThreshold :
SCLQuarantineThreshold :
SCLJunkThreshold :
InPlaceHolds : {}
RecipientThrottlingThreshold : StandardIf you found the response helpful, please mark as an answer,
Regards - Hasan Reza