Forum Discussion

HT686's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 06, 2020

Connect user to different mailbox



I am very new to all the Exchange administration and not sure about the following task:


I have two users, 

john smith       with mailbox:   

invoice      with mailbox:      (<- not a group, not a shared mailbox)


now i want to fully remove johns mailbox and connect the invoice mailbox / adress / everything to him.

 johns mailbox is empty and irrelevant and he dont want to use his personal mailadress. he wants to be . 


Can somebody tell me how to do this? I dont want to lose data and have no clue what to do.

I'm thinking of exporting invoice@ as .pst, deleting john and invoice in exchange and creating a new invoice mailbox that i asign to john and import all old data - but this seems not really pretty to me.



BTW: Exchange 2019 on premise; Server 2019 with AD DC on premise, one domaine, nothing special.



  • HidMov's avatar
    Steel Contributor

    Hi HT686 


    You can disable a mailbox which disconnects it from a user account, then reattach the mailbox to a different user account. This will avoid having to export the mailbox as PST and reimport it.




    You might want to disconnect the invoice mailbox, disconnect Johns mailbox, then reconnect the Invoice mailbox to Johns profile. If there is nothing in Johns mailbox it can remain disconnected and will be purged from the database after 30 days by default


    I would make sure you have a good Exchange backup before you do make any changes - there isn't much there that isn't reversible or fixable if you hit problems but it's always practice.


    Hope this helps,



  • Hello HT686 


    This could be done in two simple steps with Powershell / Exchange management Shell 


    First we disable/Disconnect the Invoice mailbox

    Disable-Mailbox  -Identity "" 


    Then we delete Johns mailbox 


    Disable-Mailbox -Identity "" 


    After this, we will now reconnect the Invoice mailbox, but to Johns AD user 

    Note that "MXDB01" Will need to be replaced with ypur databse name. 


    Connect-Mailbox -Identity "Invoice" -Database "MXDB01" -User "John Smith"


    Let me know if you need further assistance 


    Kind Regards
    Oliwer Sjöberg

    • HidMov's avatar
      Steel Contributor

      Hi oliwer_sundgren 


      I believe the Remove-Mailbox -Identity "" will also delete the john.smith AD user object at the same time. Replacing it with Disable-Mailbox should keep the AD account intact. 
