Forum Discussion

David Mutschlechner's avatar
David Mutschlechner
Copper Contributor
Nov 19, 2019

Change Exchange Online archive folder language



I would like to change the default folder language from different Exchange Online archives. I couldn't find any solution on how to do this.

I already tried the command Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration -Identity "Online Archive - Name" -Language de-de - LocalizeDefaultFolderName but it doesn't work because the archive object cannot be found.


Is there any solution on how to change the default folder language of an Exchange Online archive?


Thanks for any help, David

  • You can use the archiveGUID parameter to target the archive mailbox (which you can obtain via the Get-Mailbox cmdlet):


    Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration 2752e945-1dfb-4c09-ae52-895a426dc120


    Not sure if you can have different values for the main mailbox and the archive though.
