Forum Discussion

pxvuong's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 15, 2023

Can I using Netstandard 2.0 to write a transport agent for Exchange Server 2019

I'm codinga transport agent that intercepts emails that violate my company's policies.

I can use Visual studio 2022 to create a Class Libary project using net framework 4.8, then I build and install the dll into the Exchange server. however when I use libraries (eg Newtonsoft.Json) after build I get more than one dll file (Dll of my transport agent just wrote and dll of Newtonsoft) I don't know how to get it You can install transport agent with multiple DLLs.

The question is whether I can use .Netstandard 2.0 to deploy the Transport Agent.



  • LeonPavesic's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi pxvuong


    No, unfrotunately it is not possible to use .NET Standard 2.0 directly for developing a transport agent for Exchange Server 2019. The only supported framework for developing transport agents in Exchange Server 2019 is .NET Framework.

    When creating a transport agent for Exchange Server 2019, you need to use the specific version of .NET Framework that is compatible with the server, typically .NET Framework 4.8.

    Regarding the issue of having multiple DLLs, it is common to have separate DLLs for your transport agent and any additional libraries, such as Newtonsoft.Json, that you might be using. You will need to ensure that all the necessary DLLs are included in the installation package and properly installed on the Exchange Server.

    To successfully deploy a transport agent with multiple DLLs, you should package all the required DLLs together and ensure they are placed in the correct directories on the Exchange Server during installation.

    So, the shor summary of my answer is - when developing a transport agent for Exchange Server 2019, make sure to use .NET Framework 4.8 and include all the necessary DLLs in the installation package for successful deployment.

    Which .NET Framework for Exchange Server - ALI TAJRAN

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    Kindest regards,

    Leon Pavesic

    • pxvuong's avatar
      Copper Contributor




      You will need to ensure that all the necessary DLLs are included in the installation package and properly installed on the Exchange Server.

      To successfully deploy a transport agent with multiple DLLs, you should package all the required DLLs together and ensure they are placed in the correct directories on the Exchange Server during installation."


      Can you point me how to do that? How can I using muldpe DLL
