Forum Discussion
Apr 10, 2019Copper Contributor
Calling Exchange Online PowerShell Cmdlets from C# With Modern Authentication
Hi Currently We can calling Exchange Online Commandlets With the below code : WSManConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo(new Uri("")...
Mar 12, 2020Copper Contributor
Hello Us9898 ,
We are using Exchange Online Remote PowerShell Module , to invoke cmdlets using modern authentication.
Mar 12, 2020Copper Contributor
Hi VibhorM ,
thanks for the quick reply, I am trying to execute this via backed-services.
which will not need user interaction.
So i can get the token but after that i cannot connect to the API, via power shell.
Wondering if you got it working .
thank you
- kkothariyaSep 07, 2022Copper Contributor
Hello Us9898
Did you find any solution? We're having the same issue. We are getting the token but cannot connect with API (open run space) using that token.
Please let me know if you got the answer or direction.
- CharlescolombelJul 20, 2022Copper Contributor
Hello Us9898 do you find solution to call via backed service ?
- kkothariyaSep 07, 2022Copper ContributorHello Charles,
Did you find any solution? We're having the same issue. We are getting the token but cannot connect with API (open run space) using that token.
Please let me know if you got the answer or direction.
Kaiyum- KhaleckOct 10, 2022Copper Contributor
Basic Authentication is disabled since October 2022. So we're having the same issue. Did you find any solution or sample codes.