Forum Discussion

GregPhex's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 31, 2022

All emails from one of our domains are marked as spam ONLY by Exchange Online

We are running Exchange on-prem with two accepted domains. Both domains follow the same Exchange mailflow rules, outbound mailflow and both have correct SPF records. One of these two domain's emails gets marked as spam with SCL:5 and one does not. This domain's emails are ONLY marked as spam when sending to Exchange Online mailboxes. I can not find a single difference between how the two domains are configured nor why one is marked as spam and one is not. How do I get the domain not marked as spam? I'm lost as where to go next.



Country/Region US
Language en
Spam Confidence Level 5
Spam Filtering VerdictSPM
IP Filter Verdict NLI
HELO/EHLO String *******
PTR Record InfoDomainNonexistent
Connecting IP Address *******
Protection Policy Category SPM
Spam rules (13230001)(4636009)(356005)(2616005)(81166007)(7116003)(3480700007)(86362001)(82310400005)(7066003)(24736004)(8676002)(6916009)(36005)(166002)(108616005)(19627405001)(1096003)(5660300002)(8936002)(156005)(58800400005)(336012)(36756003)(83380400001)
Source header CIP:*******;CTRY:US;LANG:en;SCL:5;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:SPM;H:********;PTR:InfoDomainNonexistent;CAT:SPM;SFS:(13230001)(4636009)(356005)(2616005)(81166007)(7116003)(3480700007)(86362001)(82310400005)(7066003)(24736004)(8676002)(6916009)(36005)(166002)(108616005)(19627405001)(1096003)(5660300002)(8936002)(156005)(58800400005)(336012)(36756003)(83380400001);DIR:INB;
Unknown fields DIR:INB;

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