Forum Discussion

Kostas_Ap1225's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 13, 2022

30 days retention policy not applicable in Compliance Center!

After creating a retention policy in compliance Center for 30 days instead of 14 days doe a shared mailbox, the retention still remains for 14 days.

Via CMDLETS in Powershell also same results.


Any advice would be appreciated!


Thanks in advance. 🙂

  • You have to be more specific here, what exactly did you configure? Are you referring to the 14 days single item recovery/purge window? You can control that via the -RetainDeletedItemsFor parameter.
  • You have to be more specific here, what exactly did you configure? Are you referring to the 14 days single item recovery/purge window? You can control that via the -RetainDeletedItemsFor parameter.
