Forum Discussion
Impossible to navigate in Skype for Business server 2015 Control Panel IE mode
Silverlight is deprecated, outdated technology.
Silverlight-Support doesn't exist in any modern Browser.
You have to use Internet Explorer to get Silverlight-Support or configure Edge in IE Mode for this particular site.
Gunnar-Haslinger the skype control's panel url is already setted up to use the Edge IE mode.
And it works as you can see bellow :
But if I click on "Users" menu it doesn't work anymore.
I don't understand why it works with the home page of the skype control panel but doesn't when I navigate.
- Gunnar-HaslingerFeb 03, 2020Steel Contributor
el-fe your screenshots show, that only the first one is using IE-Mode, the second one isn't - you can easily spot it from the IE-Icon left to the padlock, which isn't showing up in the second screenshot:
- el-feFeb 03, 2020Brass Contributor
Gunnar-Haslinger the second screenshot was taken just after clicking on the "Users" menu from the control panel.
This is what I've setted in the xml file for the control panel :
<site url="SfBControlPanelURL">
</site>- Gunnar-HaslingerFeb 03, 2020Steel Contributor
I suggest to do debugging as follows:
Open IE11, check if the Website where you get the Silverlight-is-required Errormessage works in IE11.
a) if it does, there seems to be a Problem in your Edge IE-Mode Configuration.
b) if it doesn't work in IE11 then your platform has a lack of silverlight-support and you have to install the prerequisites.