Forum Discussion
Fixed download URL's for MSI
For Edge Enterprise downloads we need fixed URL's (in de future) to automate downloading.
- SebaldJBrass Contributor
Thilo Langbein the direct downloads links for Beta Channel:
you find the direct url with the F12 Tools (same for Dev Chanel, etc.):
- Elliot KirkMicrosoft
Thank you SebaldJ. I think that this is the best that we can do. The actual file changes as each new build is published, but these redirects should always point to the latest published versions. Thanks - Elliot
- Thilo LangbeinIron Contributor
Elliot Kirk It would be good to have a json manifest online with the current version numbers per channel and the corresponding download url's (msi packages).
It's hard to find the edge version number inside the msi.
We wrote an auto downloader to bring the msi's into the company network for internal deployment/distribution.
- Elliot KirkMicrosoft
Hi Thilo Langbein, what do you mean by fixed download URLs? The links on the page that you linked to all work correctly, and copy the latest MSI package, or policy zip file to my computer. Are you seeing an error when you try to download? Thanks - Elliot
- Gunnar-HaslingerSteel Contributor
Elliot Kirk I think what Thilo Langbein means is, that he likes to automate the download.
Currently the actual Download URL is something like and seems to change with each Version.
The URL is a download-portal made for humans, not for machines. It is linking to the actual MSI-File and you have to accept a disclaimer first.
- Thilo LangbeinIron Contributor
Exactly that! No portal a fixed download url (per channel) even if the version changes.