Forum Discussion
Why so many MS Edge entries in Open with menu on macOS
Hi everyone.
I would like to know why we get so many entries in the Open With menu on macOS?
I included a screenshot of my right click - Open With menu. It looks like every new version creates an entry in that menu. This, I think, shouldn't be like that.
I tried to removed the entries with lregister in command line, but it came back after rebooting.
Any suggestion?
- alexgarcia855Copper ContributorI have the same problem.
- danvinCopper ContributorI solved it, I removed Edge from my Mac. I’m now using only Safari and Brave. By the way, it is surprising how many files and locations Edge use to work. I found a detailed procedure to remove it entirely. Not an easy task.
- adi_s24Copper Contributor
Think I found the problem. Here's what worked for me.
As I mentioned in a previous comment, I used AppCleaner (free utility that thoroughly removes applications and their associated files) for uninstallation. However, something must have gone wrong during the cleanup process, as I still discovered a folder containing over 15GB of Edge-related files. I found these remnants using these commands:
sudo find /private/var/folders/ -name "*Edge*"
sudo find /Library/Application\ Support -name "*Edge*"
sudo find ~/Library/Application\ Support -name "*Edge*"This led me to this folder:
~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/EdgeUpdater
After removing any found files and emptying the Trash, rebuild the Launch Services database by using:
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain user;killall Finder;echo "Open With has been rebuilt, Finder will relaunch"
and then follow up by rebooting your Mac.
This should permanently remove all duplicate Edge entries from your "Open With" menu. The issue seems to stem from Edge's update system storing multiple versions, which aren't properly cleaned up during uninstallation.
- AskaniSamCopper Contributor
Awesome, I'll try soon. I already removed Edge from my system, and rebooting didn't remove the entries. I'll try the cleaning steps and see if that removes those entries.
- fondsenvraagbaakCopper Contributor
I have the same issue. Alas, no solution. I need Edge for work purposes, so I cannot uninstall it (though I would like to)I hope one of the MS techies is paying attention.
- AskaniSamCopper Contributor
I have the same problem, from where did all those IP address come? It seems it reaches out all computers in my subnet that have Edge installed.
- adi_s24Copper Contributor
Have a look again, these are not IP addresses but different build numbers.
Also am experiencing this problem. Already reset the Launch Services database via terminal prompt, rebuild it, restarted my mac, worked for a while but now these pesky little things are there again even though I completely removed Edge via AppCleaner prior to rebuilding the database. Seems like MS is pulling out all the stops to cement my negative associations with Edge, one just can't make this up.
- muzzlemuzzlemuzzleCopper Contributor
Having the exact same issue on multiple macs running macOS 15.1.1.
Is there any fix for this?