Forum Discussion

  • Ysfire's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Same doubt😟
    I've tried many themes, but the Wonder Women 1984 theme is still the favorite.
    Hope it back🙏
    • I wish someone from Edge team would at least tell us something about this, don't keep us hanging
      • Deleted's avatar
        Hi And I would like to be able to choose and have as many options = everyone has individual requirements and it is worth remembering!
  • MaríadelMar's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    Hello. Look in C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Edge Dev \ User Data \ Default \ Extensions \ gialgoiafhiabneafjiimeihdifjbbkf \ 1.0.2_0. If you do not have the folder (there are several) gialgoiafhiabneafjiimeihdifjbbkf \ 1.0.2_0 it means that you do not have the Wonder Woman 1984 theme installed. To have it again (I do have it installed and saved) I leave you a link where the theme folder is. You have to install it where I have indicated previously. Nothing will happen at first. You have to go to install Microsoft Edge again, to "Extensions" (through the ellipsis menu), activate the developer mode and use "Load unpacked". Then navigate to the folder that you have downloaded. And viola, the theme will be loaded. Link of the folder that you must copy to C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Edge Dev \ User Data \ Default \ Extensions: Unzip the zip and save the card (gialgoiafhiabneafjiimeihdifjbbkf) in the indicated place.

  • MaríadelMar's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Buscad en C:\Users\nombredeusuario\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge Dev\User Data\Default\Extensions\gialgoiafhiabneafjiimeihdifjbbkf\1.0.2_0.
    Si no tenéis la carpeta (hay varias) gialgoiafhiabneafjiimeihdifjbbkf\1.0.2_0 significa que no tenéis instalado el tema Wonder Woman 1984. Para volverlo a tener (yo sí lo tengo instalado y guardado) os dejo un link donde está la carpeta del tema. Tenéis que instalarla donde lo he indicado anteriormente. Al principio no ocurrirá nada. Tenéis que ir para instalarlo de nuevo Microsoft Edge, a "Extensiones" (a través del menú de puntos suspensivos), activad el modo de desarrollador y usad "Cargar desempaquetado". Luego navegad hasta la carpeta que os habéis descargado. Y viola, el tema estará cargado. Link de la carpeta que debeis copiar en C:\Users\nombredeusuario\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge Dev\User Data\Default\Extensions:
    Descomprimir el zip y guardar la carteta( gialgoiafhiabneafjiimeihdifjbbkf)en el lugar indicado.
