Forum Discussion
Sep 23, 2020Top Feedback Summary for September 23
Note: This is no longer the most recent top feedback summary. You can always find the latest at
Hello, Insiders! We have some big news to share today, somethin...
Sep 24, 2020Iron Contributor
A new release and all the problems are still there, after almost 1.5 years..
- Middle click mouse button on tabs bar to open a new tab.
- Drag a tab to the favorites bar to quickly add it there.
- Dark Mode for PDFs for reading.
- Move the "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents" from "Flags" to "Appearance" in Settings and let us customize the websites that we want to enable or disable it on them.
- Everything in my PC is in dark mode, even the "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents"
But somehow every time I open Edge I get this white page for a few seconds that blinds me for like a minute... and every new page I open it loads in white page until the page opens.. and if the website or my connection is slow then that stupid useless white loading screen stays for longer and I have to look away until it's done loading............
- When everything is using dark mode, all icons and buttons turns to dark grey which are almost not visible at all!
-"Ask users if they want to close all tabs when they close a browser window"
Why this isn't added yet????
-And when is this going to be fixed so I can actually move to Edge?????
-And where is the History Sync ??????
You promised almost a year ago that this will relesae this summer which is already over now, don't make promises you can't keep.
So, What did you say that is added or fixed again in this release ?????
Sep 25, 2020Steel Contributor
And along with the dark mode issues in desktop Edge, there's also the even worse dark mode issues in Android Edge. For me I need desktop and Android browsers that work together, so I can't use either until I can use both, and after having become unexpectedly sensitive to bright screens early this year I simply can't use Android Edge at all. It needs Android Google Chrome's #enable-force-dark flag, or much better Android Google Chrome Beta's #darken-wesites-checkbox-in-themes-setting flag (because it's a right pain having to go to the flags to turn the #enable-force-dark off on the odd site it's bad on, then all the way back to flags to turn it on again), or best the ability to use the Dark Reader extension like Android Firefox (old, or new 'Daylight' Fenix varieties) which can remember which sites one doesn't want made dark.
And generally Android Edge could do with the beta being brought up to the same Chromium version as desktop Edge, desktop Chrome and Android Chrome instead of being left on Chromium 77! Android Chrome versions go hand in hand with the desktop versions, same version updates within a couple of days of each other at most, public, beta, dev and canary; and new Android Firefox public, beta and nightly are sometimes actually ahead of desktop Firefox. While Android Edge is left in the misty distance of prehistory. Ooh, Microsoft added collections to Android Edge too ... but haven't caught up on ANY of the other and far more basic missing features that would let me use it.
As for the lack of History (and open tabs) sync in both desktop and Android Edge - I thought it was pretty unbelievable you lot at Microsoft didn't have that ready for the first public release. The fact it's STILL not done after all this time when you are doing all this far less fundamental stuff is just utterly flabbergasting. As I've said before, there's a view that nowadays a lot of people use desktop Google Chrome because Google Chrome is what they use on their Android phones, NOT the other way round. If Microsoft really want desktop Edge to get a really significant share of the browser market, they need to put a LOT more effort and importance into making Android Edge properly competitive on Android, and THAT includes giving much more priority to full and easy desktop and Android syncing. It's all very well saying 'our users say blah blah is or isn't important', but your current users are a small minority of the potential users you presumably want, Microsoft. You need to look at the fact that for a lot of people their phone browsing is more important to them than their desktop browsing, so - given the usefulness of and need for phone-desktop syncing - Android browser choice drives desktop browser choice for a lot of people. And Android Edge currently sucks compared with either Android Chrome or new Android Firefox.