Forum Discussion
Jun 15, 2021There is a quick translation extension in Edge that could work when right-clicked.
Translation into the language of the system is not enough for me!
The campaign for new extensions for Edge begins - every convenience in this regard is
much needed!
Going to a site to translate text takes too much time, which I really all lack
Development in this area is a must in a multilingual world!
I totally agree with this. There are many situations where you need to translate a website into another language than just into the device's language. Sometimes, the website is displaying another language due to some issues but then as it is in English, all elements of the webpage cannot be seen in English and the example can be given on the Microsoft Tech Community website itself where it fails to translate and we don't have any translator tool available in the browser.
Whether it would be supported into the browser directly or may it be a browser extension, I totally support this.
- TheShaunSawSilver Contributor
I totally agree with this. There are many situations where you need to translate a website into another language than just into the device's language. Sometimes, the website is displaying another language due to some issues but then as it is in English, all elements of the webpage cannot be seen in English and the example can be given on the Microsoft Tech Community website itself where it fails to translate and we don't have any translator tool available in the browser.
Whether it would be supported into the browser directly or may it be a browser extension, I totally support this.
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Tak masz rację, aby to potwierdzić piszę ten tekst w moim języku!
Byłoby wspaniale korzystać z dodatkowego zintegrowanego środowiska - zapewniającego wysokiej jakości tłumaczenia - to byłby argument ,aby Edge był dla nich domyślną przeglądarką !
Dziękuję bardzo za wsparcie!
Yes you are right to confirm this I am writing this text in my language!
It would be great to use an additional integrated environment - providing high-quality translations - that would be an argument to make Edge their default browser!
Thank you very much for your support!
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This great functionality , which I miss very much - probably millions of users are waiting for it all over the world! Edge extensions are now being promoted – it's a good time to get a lot of support that you badly need to get it noticed!