Forum Discussion
Pinning Edge on taskbar for each different profile makes some not display the profile name
Avi Vaid Is this still an issue? I am having the same problem. No little icon for the personal account but the other two (school, work) seem to work ok.
The original issue was root caused. If you close and reopen Edge, the name updates but it doesn't update in realtime. Considering this easy workaround, we are currently not planning to fix this since most customers close and reopen Edge pretty often.
Gordan Redzic - regarding the issue you mentioned, there is another pesky bug you could be hitting which causes the default profile not to be badged. It is fixed in the latest Canary version. To workaround this issue in the meantime which this fix rolls to dev, beta and stable, you can use the below instructions.
- Open your broken shortcut, by right clicking on the taskbar icon, then right clicking on "Microsoft Edge" in the jumplist and opening "properties"
- Update the target string to be appended with: --profile-directory=”Default”
- Click “Change Icon”, Click “Browse”, in the “File name” field at the bottom of the explorer window enter:
“%localappdata%\Microsoft\Edge SxS\User Data\Default\Edge Profile.ico” (without quotes 😊)
Select the Edge icon that is badged with your profile image, in the change icon dialog.
- Click apply to correct the shortcut’s properties.
- Gordan RedzicMay 29, 2020Brass Contributor
Avi Vaid so its good on Canary but I am getting the Canary icon if I follow your instructions for the Dev channel. No worries will use Canary for now 🙂 Thanks for getting back to me!
- Avi VaidMay 28, 2020MicrosoftSeems like you're running into a different bug in that case. I'll reach out to your directly
- BloodyPolarBearMay 28, 2020Copper Contributor
Avi Vaid has there been any movement on fixing names on profiles in the taskbar? It sounds like the issue was marked resolved but profiles I have are still showing incorrect profile names.