Forum Discussion
Option to completely remove Microsoft News Feed
- vovchykSep 28, 2019Brass Contributor
Elliot Kirk Hi, I used to be able to disable the news feed by using
However, that flag is no longer available. How do I disable the news feed now?
- HotCakeXSep 28, 2019MVP
vovchyk IllusionMH Mike Glenn Cameron_Bush
Hi there, if you use Edge insider Canary channel Version (Official build) canary (64-bit),
chances are you can do it right now. give it a try! it will take more time before it is available to Dev channel.
- KoshyGSep 28, 2019Iron Contributor
Works Great.
- Drew1903Sep 28, 2019Silver Contributor
Ah, there's the $64,000 question... And it goes back to my recently 'daydreaming' here in the Forum (another thread) about Bing being used for the NTP. Why? Because, it does/can give or do what you want... and, even better than the NTP flag since, it's has full Bing functionality, including, different daily photo.. I use Bing for Start-up page as, it can be SO clean and powerful too, as a nice bonus. Below you can compare, Bing on the left, default NTP on the right; you can see the red circled bit is not on the left. The Feeds (and the Menu Bar) are/have been removed on the left. It's the one similar place that allows removal of Feeds (& more). But, sadly, cannot be used for NTP. I have told the Team it should be & you should, also.
In other words, without the NTP flag, there is no way, but, Bing does it. Doesn't that just add to your frustration; I empathize.
- Mike GlennJul 12, 2019Steel Contributor
Elliot Kirk although I agree with OP that users should have an option to remove the news feed completely under Custom, please let the new tab devs know at least one user is very satisfied. People usually only bother to post complaints, but I LOVE the Edge Dev new tab Inspirational layout. It's one of several key features that inspire me to keep Edge Dev as my default browser—even in it's unfinished state.
I never scroll down to look at the news feed because I prefer Microsoft News app and reddit, but the Personalized news button is discreet enough that it doesn't bother me.
- Drew1903Jul 12, 2019Silver Contributor
I don't know when or if the default New tab page will be all that people want or prefer. And, sure, one can say it is sad to have to use an extension to have what one wants. Some want a feed, some don't, some want a blank page, heaps variations, some possible, some aren't, at least now right now. HOWEVER, if an extension is not viewed as something terrible, THIS will give or do all anyone would want and more (cool choices) they hadn't, even, imagined. I urge y'all to take time to look at it. You might well like it. I know I sure do!
- IllusionMHJul 12, 2019Copper ContributorAre there any new on this?
- jwhowhoJun 14, 2019Microsoft
This is the reason that I joined this channel - The first thing I did after downloading the MS insider Edge is to find the option to turn the News feed completely off, and to my disappointment, the option does NOT exist. I clicked on the toggle button, and I could only choose between "on scroll" and "always". ☹
- Drew1903Jun 15, 2019Silver Contributor
To repeat, will do, does do what you want. To have New tab page be the use the one from the Chrome store I recommended. When I not on my mobile 📱 and back at my machine I will get you the name, soon. I have the set up you desire in use as we speak. Give it a try.
It is Infinite Dashboard