Forum Discussion
Mar 14, 2021Brass Contributor
Missing history button in Edge Stable?
I've waited a while to ask this because I thought maybe it's a feature that's being rolled out in stages but it seems to have been around for a long time now and rolled out simultaneously on all of m...
- Mar 14, 2021
This is probably still a controlled feature rollout, like I mentioned in my other comment, the release note says nothing about it.
you're talking about history flyout, well, favorites flyout came even before that but one of my Edge stable installations doesn't even have that.
Mar 14, 2021MVP
You're welcome ^^
Oh I totally agree with you, I also complained a lot about it, but unfortunately they are still using this method.
Edge isn't the only product, controlled feature rollout or staged rollout is also used in Windows insider and Office insider.
I don't have much experience with similar products from other companies, maybe they do it too.
but from what I've read/seen in this forum, this helps them find and fix problems quickly so not everyone will be affected by a bug at the same time.
That being said, try this method if you want to get the history flyout on your Edge stable that's missing it.
right-click on Edge stable shortcut on desktop, select properties, go to shortcut tab, at the end of the target filed, add this:
make sure Edge is closed when doing this (including all web apps) and also turn off startup boost from settings, (if you have it), so that when you close Edge, it will actually be closed: edge://settings/system
after that, launch Edge from the same desktop shortcut and go to settings to toggle history button: edge://settings/appearance
let me know how it goes 🙂
Mar 15, 2021Brass Contributor
Hi HotCakeX
Thank you for that. I followed your instructions (and even restarted the computer to make sure Edge was restarted) but unfortunately the flag --enable-features=msHistoryHub didn't help.
Maybe because I'm running stable and it really hasn't been released for me yet. Interesting though that this one feature seems so hard to manually enable. I managed to get the vertical tabs early by going to edge://flags but there is nothing about history there and I was sure your shortcut modifier would work but unfortunately it didn't 🙂
I will wait patiently, at least I know that nothing is *wrong* with my Edge install even if it is confusing and annoying to wait for such a useful feature!
Thank you for that. I followed your instructions (and even restarted the computer to make sure Edge was restarted) but unfortunately the flag --enable-features=msHistoryHub didn't help.
Maybe because I'm running stable and it really hasn't been released for me yet. Interesting though that this one feature seems so hard to manually enable. I managed to get the vertical tabs early by going to edge://flags but there is nothing about history there and I was sure your shortcut modifier would work but unfortunately it didn't 🙂
I will wait patiently, at least I know that nothing is *wrong* with my Edge install even if it is confusing and annoying to wait for such a useful feature!
- HotCakeXMar 15, 2021MVPYou're welcome, yes, hope your remaining Edge installation receives it soon
- frogman2205Mar 16, 2021Brass Contributor
HotCakeX DanielRyan I have the same issue. It is not phased rollout, because on one of my PCs with that version of edge the History Hub works fine on one user account, and I can add the history item to the toolbar. However on an alternative user account the history hub just shows as 3 tabs with no location text and the option to add under appearance is missing. On my laptop with the same version of Edge it all works fine.
- HotCakeXMar 16, 2021MVPWhen you change users, did you go to settings to toggle it? each user account has separate settings: edge://settings/appearance