Musing a little.
I do not understand why some people are so stubborn to have what others have in applications or precisely web browsers. Why the blustering run to evince stupidest habit "live or die" in such circumstances when one is not offered something with the application he's chosen? I do not need the Quick Links whatsoever, for example. I have two rows of them, nice, but not a tragedy when not sorted, or edited etc.
Tab groups are transient objects what means one can change them to one's whims. I can open my mostly needed pages or keep pages which I think they'll be of some use in a close or foreseeable future. The more so I can set a time after which any tab will become inactive. There's the option:
Put inactive tabs to sleep after the specified amount of time: 5 min
No extra stress to memory or CPU. They are not deleted. They are hibernated as it is happening in Vivaldi, for example. Having Tab groups is enough for me. Other hyperlinks are being kept in Bookmarks (BTW. MS beloved detestable name of Favorites as the whores on French king courts, why not basic Bookmarks?).
All web browsers seem to press its users to think about alternative solutions. To be crerative. I think so. I'm sure of that. That's a very nature way of doing things - you do not have what you want - conjure the solution up, mate.
For those too lazy or overly in distress, or whatever, it appeared there was a Cavallery the Brave in the waiting.
Nevertheless, I do prefer balancing on an edge, risky, but exiting. The Edge.